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About special education 

I am Qian (Chian), because I have a special needs child at home, and have experienced many difficulties, I have decided to become an advocate, to help my own child and others, if you want to learn more about special education in the United States, please add my WeChat qzhuang0527 or email me at or contact me directly from the website.

When discussing the challenges faced by children with special needs and their families, many people may not fully understand the daily struggles we encounter.

One fact that is often overlooked is that having a child with special needs is never a choice; it is a reality we must face and deal with, which can pose significant challenges for families.

For example, my child has autism. From the age of 1 to 5, she would scream at least 4 to 5 times every night, requiring us to get up and comfort her each time. This situation made it nearly impossible for us to function properly during the day because our sleep quality was severely compromised. Despite trying various medications, the effects were not significant and sometimes even led to side effects. Fortunately, as she grew older, this situation improved.

However, despite facing many difficulties, we are still fortunate to find that our child has the opportunity to receive an education at school. She can participate in small classes tailored to her level, especially in challenging subjects like English language arts, where the school provides personalized instruction to meet her individual needs. Additionally, she can participate in other courses such as art and get along harmoniously with other classmates. I hope my child will be able to live independently in the future.

Similar to our family situation, there are other families also facing challenges with children with special needs. For instance, there is one family whose child has behavioral issues, is non-verbal, and often has tantrums. However, at school, teachers have taught him to use AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) tools, enabling him to communicate with family members. The child's emotional issues have also improved, and he has even started learning writing and expression.

Furthermore, there is another family whose child was diagnosed with an eye condition shortly after birth, requiring various treatments and surgeries from a young age. At 7 years old, he has already undergone 8 major surgeries. The parents have been deeply concerned for his health, feeling anxious every time they see him being wheeled into the operating room. Despite living in constant worry and anxiety, they have never given up on their love and support for their child. They tirelessly seek medical and educational resources to help their child overcome obstacles and strive for a brighter future.

Additionally, there is a child who, due to being unable to control his emotions, often disrupts normal classroom teaching. To address this issue, the teacher provides him with the opportunity to study in a small class composed of children with special needs. In this small class, the child can focus more on learning, and the teacher can also focus more on teaching, leading to gradual progress for the child.

Apart from these, there are children with milder special needs who spend most of their time studying in regular classes but occasionally receive special support such as language and social skills training. Special education indeed encompasses a very broad spectrum, catering to various degrees and types of special needs.

The ultimate goal for many families is for their children to become independent and have the ability to live independently in the future. They hope their children won't have to rely on government assistance but can make a living with their own hands. They understand that without sufficient intervention and support during their children's growth, they may end up needing to attend expensive special education boarding schools, costs that may eventually be borne by the government. Despite the additional challenges their children may face, they still eagerly anticipate seeing them achieve their dreams and goals.

The special education system in the United States is also tirelessly working towards the same goal. The aim of special education is not only to provide educational services but also to lay a solid foundation for each child's future. Through personalized teaching and support, special education hopes to enable every child to fully develop their potential.

When discussing the relationship between special education and regular education, we must recognize the diversity of society. According to recent data, one in every 36 children is diagnosed with autism. Regular children have the opportunity to interact with children with special needs from a young age, which helps them become more compassionate and understanding. This interaction not only helps eliminate biases and misunderstandings towards children with special needs but also promotes social inclusivity and integration.

Therefore, communication and interaction between regular children and children with special needs are crucial for promoting the diversity and inclusivity of society. Through such interaction, we can not only create a warmer and more inclusive learning environment for children with special needs but also cultivate a society that is more harmonious, understanding, and respectful of differences.

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